These charts show the number of new cases and deaths in each council area each week. You can use the buttons at the top of the chart to switch between viewing the entire pandemic, or the past 6 months specifically.
The case figures are based on the specimen date (the week the test was actually conducted, rather than just the week the result was reported), but the death figures are based on the registration date (the week the death was registered, and not when it actually occurred). There is typically a three-day gap between a death occurring and it being registered, however, this gap can be larger over bank holidays and especially over the Christmas/New years period (resulting in delayed reporting).
These charts show the number of new cases and deaths in each council area each week. You can use the buttons at the top of the chart to switch between viewing the entire pandemic, or the past 6 months specifically.
The case figures are based on the specimen date (the week the test was actually conducted, rather than just the week the result was reported), but the death figures are based on the registration date (the week the death was registered, and not when it actually occurred). There is typically a three-day gap between a death occurring and it being registered, however, this gap can be larger over bank holidays and especially over the Christmas/New years period (resulting in delayed reporting).
Totals by Council Area
This table gives an overview of the Covid-19 pandemic in each Scottish council area. There is also a row for Scotland as a whole, for reference. I’ll cover each section in more detail below, but just be aware that the figures shown here may not sum to the national total, due to missing location data for some cases, deaths, and vaccines. You can use the search bar to show one or more specific areas (or filter by NHS region), and you can also select each header to sort the table by that column.
Area Information
This section gives some random information about each council area, including their population, land size, population density, and median age. All of these factors may have affected how the pandemic played out in each area, so I thought they would be interesting to include! The source for all that data is here.
This section gives a detailed overview of cases, both in whole numbers and per 100k population numbers.
This section gives a detailed overview of deaths, both in whole numbers and per 100k population numbers.
Vaccines Doses Administered
This section gives a detailed overview of all vaccinations administered, both in whole numbers and per 100 population numbers. Further information about what percentage of each council areas population has been vaccinated can be found further down on this page. These figures stopped being updated in September 2022.
Share of Scotlands…
This section gives a little glimpse of each council areas share of Scotlands total figures. It’s not too useful, but I thought it would still be interesting to include. Just bear in mind that the demographics vary quite a bit between areas, so one area might be more susceptible to high case rates, and another might have more eligible people to get vaccinated, ect.
These two tables give an overview of the total number of cases and deaths in each intermediate zone in Scotland since the beginning of the pandemic, both in total and per 1000 population. You can use the search bar to find one or more specific zones, and also to filter by council area.
The numbers to the far left show the ranking based on the column the table is currently sorted by (by default it is the total number of cases/deaths per 1000 population), with the area with the highest rate being ‘1’. For reference, there are 1,279 Intermediate Zones.
The ‘Per 1000 Pop’ columns show the total figures, after adjusting for the different population sizes in each area. E.g, (cases or deaths / population) * 1000. I use per 100,000 population figures on other charts, however, I thought doing it per 1000 population would make more sense here with the smaller population sizes. Another way of thinking about it is to divide the per 1000 population figures here by 10, and then you get a per 100 population figure, which also works as a percentage figure. E.g, 500 total cases per 1000 pop = 50 total cases per 100 pop = 50% of that zones total population have tested positive (although as reinfections are included, the actual figure will likely be a bit lower).
If you were wondering, intermediate zones are just geographical zones. Like council areas, but a lot smaller! Most have around 2,000 – 6,000 people in them. This is quite small, so any medium or larger sized towns will be split up into multiple intermediate zones.
The data only goes up to March 2023 for cases, and February 2023 for deaths.
The total case figure is the sum of the number of new cases reported in each zone each week since the beginning of the pandemic. The true number of total cases for each zone will likely be a bit higher than this, as the figure here will not count any weeks where the number of cases was only 1 or 2.
The death figures here are assigned to a zone based on the individual’s normal place of residence. So if someone were to die in a hospital that was outside of their home intermediate zone, then this death would still be included in the individual’s home intermediate zone figures. It is worth noting that a significant number of deaths throughout the pandemic occurred in care homes. If a zone includes a lot of care homes, particularly ones that went through a covid outbreak at some point in the early stages of the pandemic, then that zone will likely have a higher number of reported deaths from the virus.
This table gives a quick summary of the total number of cases and deaths each intermediate zone saw during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please see the drop-down information for the ‘Breakdown by Intermediate Zone’ tables above for more information about the intermediate zone data displayed here.
Use the search bar to find a specific zone, or type in the name of a council area to see all the zones within it. The table is sorted alphabetically by zone name, and you can use the arrows to filter through them all.
The ‘National Rank’ figures are a quick way of visualising how the total number of cases/deaths in each zone compares to the rest of the country (per capita). The zone in Scotland which has had the most cases/deaths, per 1000 pop, will be 1st (of 1,279 zones).
It is worth noting that a significant number of deaths throughout the pandemic occurred in care homes. If a zone includes a lot of care homes, particularly ones that went through a covid outbreak at some point in the early stages of the pandemic, then that zone will likely have a higher number of reported deaths from the virus.
The data only goes up to March 2023 for cases, and February 2023 for deaths.
This chart shows the number of cases found in each council area each week, per 100k population.
You can use the buttons at the top of the chart to switch between viewing the entire pandemic, or the past 3 months specifically. You can also use the search bar to select up to four council areas to show.
This chart shows the number of cases, deaths, and vaccines in each council in total. The council areas are grouped into their NHS regions, and then a total is displayed for each NHS region. This is simply just the sum of the council areas within, so the figures seen here may not match the figures seen for the NHS regions elsewhere. There are some occurrences of cases or deaths being assigned to an NHS region, but not to a council area due to missing location data.
You can use the drop-down menu to switch between the various metrics, and also select the header of an NHS region to see the figures for each council area within it in more detail.
The vaccination data only goes up to September 2022.
This map shows the total number of cases found in each intermediate zone since the beginning of the pandemic, per 1000 population.
The colours on the map are based on per capita figures, however, if you select or hover over a zone you will see a pop-up that contains more specific information about the zone.
The data only goes up to March 2023.
These figures show the total number of cases identified in each council area since the beginning of the pandemic, both in total and per 100 population.
The per 100 population figures show how many people tested positive for the virus in each area a little better. Although please note that the figures do include reinfections, and of course don’t include anyone who caught the virus but never got tested for it, so they are limited in how accurate they are.
No ‘total’ figure for Scotland is shown as it would mess up the scale for the other council areas. But I thought having the per 100 population figure in there for Scotland would still be useful to see how each area compares to the national average.
The chart shows how many cases and deaths each council area has had throughout the pandemic, per 100k population. Each council area is connected by line to the others within its NHS Region.
The higher an area is, the more deaths it had (per 100k population), and the further right an area is, the more cases it had (per 100k population).
You can deselect regions by selecting their names in the legend. Doing this may make the chart more readable for the areas you want to see.
This chart shows the total percentage of each age range in each council area that has had their first, second, and third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the chart to filter between each age range.
The data only goes up to September 2022.
This chart shows the total percentage of each age range in each council area that has had their first, second, and third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the chart to filter between each age range.
The data only goes up to September 2022.
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About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
NHS Scotland has some great information here about the virus, and how you can look after your own physical and mental health during these difficult times.
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Me! I’m John, a 28-year-old Cat lover and former student at the University of the Highlands and Islands (Argyll College). In March 2020 I started tracking the Scottish Coronavirus (Covid-19) data in a spreadsheet out of interest, which eventually led to me making this page.
Rather than buying a new domain to host it, I just added it to my ‘Travelling Tabby’ website. This is a travel blog, and has absolutely nothing to do with the Coronavirus. But still, feel free to look around if you want (although there isn’t much on the blog, as most of my free time since the start of 2020 was spent on this page)!
After three years and 800 updates, I updated the page for the final time in May 2023. You can read a little about that here. The page has been adjusted a little since to have less focus on ‘this week’ figures, and more focus on the ‘total’ figures. It will remain up as long as Travelling Tabby remains up!
If you need to contact me, you can use the contact form on this page, or email me at [email protected]
Loads! Here are some of them:
UK Coronavirus Tracker – Another page by me, keeping track of all the UK and worldwide data (with lots of national/regional comparisons included).
Argyll Coronavirus Tracker – Yet another page by me, keeping track of all the case data in the intermediate zones of Argyll & Bute / Arran (although it stopped being updated in October 2022).
Worldometers – Worldwide data in an easy to read table format.
WHO – Worldwide data with an attractive design.
Our World in Data – A large website with heaps of data on the pandemic across the world.
NYT – Great for detailed USA data.
Public Health Scotland – A ‘Weekly national respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistical report’ that gives the official update on Covid-19 in Scotland.
UK Government – The official UK dashboard, with lots of additional figures.
Covid-19 Risk – A neat website that lets you calculate the level of risk involved in attending an event in your area, based on recent case rates.
ZOE – An app that allows users to report Covid-19 symptoms, and from that, estimates the current prevalence of the virus across the UK (works best when viewing on their app).
Yeah! I used to post different types of charts and comparisons on Twitter! I don’t really do this anymore, but I might every once in a while.
Also, here is a link to the spreadsheet I use. Feel free to download a copy. It is a bit of a mess, but it could be useful for some people.
And here is a list of all the official pages involving Coronavirus figures for Scotland (that I know of).
PHS Weekly Report – A ‘Weekly national respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistical report’ that gives the official update on Covid-19 in Scotland.
PHS Weekly Dashboard – A dashboard of the case and hospital data included in the above report.
PHS Weekly Vaccination Dashboard – A dashboard that provides the most recent Covid-19 vaccination data in Scotland.
NRS Weekly Report – A weekly report looking at deaths. It also includes extra information, like excess deaths, location of death, and age of death. Once a month a very detailed report comes out, looking at factors such as deprivation, pre-existing conditions, intermediate zones, and so forth. In 2023 this report stopped being updated, but the most recent figures for Covid-19 deaths are still included in the ‘Deaths registered weekly in Scotland‘ releases here.
PHS Weekly Report – A weekly report giving a good overview of the current Covid-19 situation in Scotland, taking multiple sources into account and providing additional information (although it stopped being updated in November 2022).
PHS Wider Impacts Dashboard – A dashboard looking at a range of general health factors and how the pandemic has impacted them (primarily through comparisons to previous years). Such as total hospital appointments, A&E attendances, cancer diagnoses, and much more.
PHS Education Dashboard – A weekly dashboard looking at cases, testing, and hospital admissions in children and those working in the education sector (although it stopped being updated in May 2022).
ScotGov Modelling the Pandemic – A weekly report which provides an update of the current R number, and covers other areas relating to the current prevalence of the virus in Scotland (although it stopped being updated in December 2022).
UK Gov – A page looking at the UK covid wide data, but a lot of it shows each nation separately.
ONS Weekly Infection Survey – A weekly report that looks at covid rates throughout the UK (which includes a section Scotland specifically), and estimates the total number of people who currently have the virus (although it stopped being updated in March 2023).
ONS Monthly Long Covid Study – A monthly report that looks at the prevalence of Long Covid throughout the UK.
ONS Additional Insights – A weekly dashboard that keeps track of various metrics across the UK, such as cases, hospitalizations, vaccinations, antibodies, well-being, lifestyle, work, and more (although it stopped being updated in March 2023).
COG-UK – A neat website that keeps track of which variants of the virus which are currently active throughout the UK.
SEPA Wastewater Dashboard – A dashboard that analyses wastewater samples across Scotland and tracks how many traces of Covid-19 are being found in them.
One issue might be that you’re using Firefox. This browser seems to break the page for a lot of people, and I have no idea what is causing it. My only suggestion would be to try viewing the page on another browser.
If things in general aren’t updating, then it might be that your browser isn’t showing you the most recent version of this page. If you view the page in private/incognito mode, then the issue should go away.
If you have any other issues, please let me know!
It’s a WordPress site, built with Elementor. That covers most of the page, but all the graphs/charts/tables are embedded from a range of different places!
These are Datawrapper, Flourish, and Everviz. The Datawrapper and Flourish charts will mention their name in the footer, and if there’s no mention, it is an Everviz chart. Oh, and the non Datawrapper maps are made with MapSVG!
I’d be happy to answer any other questions about it, but it is quite simple. Rather than advanced automatic, the process is more focused on careful data curation and manual updates to ensure accuracy.
Additional Information / Clarifications
When someone tests positive in Scotland, the case is assigned to a council area based on their postcode. If there’s no postcode available for this person (either because they are not a resident, or because the information is missing), then this case will not be assigned to any council area.
It will still be included in the national total, just not in any council area. As a result, the council area totals won’t sum to match the national total. For example, we might see 100 new cases reported throughout Scotland, but only 98 new cases reported when you sum up the individual council areas. Suggesting that for 2 cases, no postcode data is available.
So if you see the council area cases not matching the nationwide totals, then this will probably be why!
Most of the charts on this page will have their source linked directly underneath them. But still, here is a list of all the main sources used on this page:
PHS Open Data – The data files here are where I get the bulk of the data on this page from. That includes all of the cases and hospital figures.
PHS Vaccination Data – The data files here are where I get all of the vaccination data from. Including figures by age group, council area, and vaccine type.
PHS Weekly Report – This is where I get the data on hospital admissions by age group.
NRS Weekly Report – This is where I get the death data, and also the excess death figures. The deaths by intermediate zone data are also released here, but only once a month. Go to the archive page to see the previous releases of the monthly report on it.
ONS Infection Survey – The data here is used for the ‘Percentage of People with Covid-19 Each week’ chart, and also in the comparison trends chart.
NRS Population Estimate – This has the population figures for Scotland, including age groups and council areas.
I think that covers all of it! A lot of the figures on the page aren’t included in these sources, as I just work it out myself (stuff like the percentage change from last week). But if you need help finding anything else, just send me a message I’d be happy to help!
Below are some of the frequently requested additions for the page, with an explanation as to why they are not currently available:
R Number
The R number was on this page before, however, it was removed at the start of 2022. The reason for this is that the ‘latest’ R number released lags behind 2-3 weeks. So we could have been in a situation where cases were rising rapidly, yet the R number was still sitting at 0.8 – 0.9, reflecting the situation a few weeks before.
It wasn’t very useful in that regard, and was actually quite misleading too. The R number is no longer being released now anyways.
Cases / Hospital Admissions / Deaths by Vaccination Status
This data used to be available, but it is no longer released by PHS. Although, the UKHSA does release some data for England, which you can view in their reports here.
Deaths by Pre Existing Condition
There isn’t too much data released about this, so I can’t really add anything to the page for it. The best available data for you to look through would be in the monthly NRS death reports here.
As just about all of the data on this page comes from PHS, I would recommend looking around their website here to see exactly what is included in each metric. For deaths, the NRS have a great methodology document available here. And for the ONS Infection Survey figures, you can see the data definitions in one of their reports here.
Additionally, on most charts you can click the header, and a drop down will appear that gives some more specific information about what it shows.
This page will no longer be updated, sorry about that!
The current Covid-19 data is released each Thursday by PHS here.
The data on this page is obtained from official sources, and it is accurate to the best of my knowledge. However, I am only human! I sometimes make miscalculations, or typos. Don’t always take the information on this page as fact and base decisions on it.
All the sources are listed above, as is the spreadsheet I make all my calculations in, so feel free to double-check the data and let me know if you think something isn’t correct!
This website is not associated with the Scottish government, UK government, NHS, or any other organization. It is just run by an individual who does not value his free time.
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