After a lot of research, and reading countless ‘best places to visit’ articles, I finally got around to writing down my travel bucket list! These are all the places I want to see in the world, and all the experiences I want to have.
I probably won’t do them all, as finding the time and money to do that is pretty unrealistic (the fact that I’m constantly adding new things to it doesn’t help). But… I can try! If I can even do half of the list, I’ll be very happy.
I hope that others can use this for some inspiration, and maybe even make their own list. I think that writing stuff down is the first step to achieving it. At that point they become goals, and not just dreams! 🙂
If anyone has any recommendations for things to add, or any advice about the best way to complete some of these, please let me know. I’d love to hear from you!
Hey, I’m John!
Just a normal guy from Scotland who has an obsession with travel, and a totally rational love of cats.
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