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Bonnie Scotland! My home country, and one of the best places you can travel to. 

Some people hate where they’re from, but not me! I love being Scottish, which makes it embarrassing to admit how little of this country I’ve actually seen. I mean, I’ve been to Los Angeles more times than I’ve been to Edinburgh…

My first real trip was in 2017, when I went up to the town of Oban and the Isles of Iona and Staffa for the weekend. It was actually my first ever solo trip, and it kicked off my love for travel, so I’ll always remember it! 

I didn’t take another trip until 2023, at which point I had a similar, three day trip to the Isle of Arran. I climbed Goatfell, bought some local whisky, and saw a castle. You can’t ask for much more from a visit to Scotland!

Later in 2023 I got to visit St Andrews and Glamis Castle as part of my cruise around (mostly) Norway. Both were nice spots, but I’m a firm believer that the real beauty of Scotland is in the West of the country.

On a nice day, Scotland is arguably the most beautiful country on earth, and there is no place I’d rather call home.

Quick Info

The Scottish Flag

Where I've Been


Where To Go

The biggest tourist city in the country, which is understandable. It’s full of beautiful buildings, history, and culture. Edinburgh Castle towers over the city, and down below, you’ll find cobbled streets and narrow alleyways. There’s plenty to see and do, and it’s definitely the best city to visit in Scotland!

It may not have the charm of Edinburgh, but Glasgow is a more modern, artistic city which can provide a cheaper experience, more interesting museums, and a more vibrant nightlife. If you want to see more of the ‘real’ Scotland, and not a Scotland which puts on an image for tourists, then definitely give Glasgow a visit.

Argyll & Bute

This is where I grew up, and it’s beautiful! My top recommendations here are Inveraray and Oban. Sitting on the banks of Loch Fyne, Inveraray has a beautiful castle, a haunted jail, and some great hiking trails.

Oban is a more simple town, if you ignore the giant colosseum. But it is the gateway to the Isles, which are definitely worth visiting, especially the Isle of Iona and the alien-like Isle of Staffa.

If you want to see where I live, then take the scenic ferry from Gourock over to Dunoon! We have a growing culture, with a recent surge in local arts and events. Our biggest annual event is the Cowal Gathering, which occurs each August. It has Highland Dancers, large men throwing large things, pipe bands, markets, and fireworks! What more could you want?

Often called ‘Scotland in Miniature’, the Isle of Arran has a bit of everything you’d want out of a trip to Scotland. It has its own Highlands (with a stunning hike up Goatfell), a whisky distillery, standing stones, towns full of friendly locals, castles, and wildlife-watching opportunities. Best of all, it is easily accessible from Glasgow.

Fort William

The town of Fort William is in a perfect location within the Highlands. From a local hotel, you can walk over to the trail up Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the UK. You’re also near Glencoe, and the Glenfinnan Viaduct (Harry Potter bridge!). A day trip to Loch Ness is also quite easy to do.


This is the crown jewel of the highlands, and if you can only visit one place in Scotland, it should be here. Some of the landmarks and scenery are just outer-worldly. Skye is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, never mind just Scotland! From Skye, a day trip to St Kilda is also highly recommended, if you have the budget.


North of the mainland, Orkney and Shetland are well worth visiting if you have the time to do so. Orkney has the ruins of a prehistoric civilization, the highlight of which is Skara Brae, a 5000 year old village. On Shetland, you can look out for whales, the Northern Lights, and even the adorable Shetland Ponys!


Glasgow & Edinburgh are the two main airports, so you’ll probably be arriving at one of those. From Glasgow, you can take the 757 McGills Bus to the Paisley Gilmour Street train station, or just take the Airport Express bus to go straight to the city centre. In Edinburgh, a tram links the airport to the city centre.


If you’re coming up from London, you can also get a train. It isn’t a very scenic journey, but it’s still nice. It won’t be much (if any) cheaper than flying, but it’s more comfortable. You can even get the ‘Caledonian Sleeper‘ overnight train, which if you book far enough in advance, can be decent value! About £150 for a private room / bed, transport, and breakfast.


If you’re coming in from somewhere outside of Europe, consider flying into Dublin or London, then connecting to Scotland. Flights to those airports can be SO much cheaper, and then connecting to Scotland is only an extra £50 or so. I do it all the time and it works fine, just don’t have too short of a layover.


Trains /
The whole country is linked by train really well! Glasgow to Edinburgh will take you about an hour and cost £15 or so. Trains aren’t cheap, but booking in advance will save you a lot of money, and you can do that through ScotRail’s website. Scotrail also offer a lot of rail passes which might help you save some money.


Despite what people say, the Highlands are also fairly well-linked. Getting to some more rural areas for hiking will be difficult, but you can see most of the best spots through public transport. The Glasgow > Mallaig train journey is one of the most scenic in the world, and I highly recommend it! Or even Glasgow > Oban.


Glasgow has a subway system which makes getting around super easy, and Edinburgh has a great tram system which runs straight through the city centre.



Some of the more rural areas and islands require a ferry to get to. These are normally very scenic and beautiful, but weather dependent. In the winter ferries are frequently cancelled, so be aware! Calmac operates most ferries, so it’s worth checking their website for current the schedules and service status.



I don’t have much experience with the bus here, but the country is well linked. On McGills, you can pay by contactless card onboard, which makes things nice and easy. The bus will be a cheaper alternative to the train, and it will be necessary to visit some places like Skye and Loch Ness.


If you visit Skye, you might want to book yourself onto a guided bus tour, as getting around to some of the top spots without a car will be a real pain! You can even get ones which depart from Edinburgh.



I don’t drive so I can’t offer much advice, but driving is a great way to see the Highlands. Just be aware, the roads are often one lane and very twisty and turny. Take some motion sickness tablets if you are prone to it!


The North Coast 500 is known as one of the best road trips in the world, so it’s definitely something worth considering on a visit!


Uber and Lyft are also options here, but don’t expect to find any in the Highlands. Thankfully most small towns will have a taxi company or two, which you should be able to get a number for from Google.


Hostels are a great accommodation choice in Scotland. They’re just about everywhere, and really cheap, especially for solo-travellers. Expect to pay maybe £15-25 a night.


If you’re visiting during the summer and staying in a single city for a week or more, you might be able to stay in student accommodation. This will be more comfortable than a hostel, but cheaper than a hotel! I’ve never done it, but it’s worth looking up local universities to see what they can offer.



Hotels and B&Bs are also found all across the country, but will set you back more, ranging from £40-100+ a night. Still, a private room could be worth it, especially in a B&B where you get a great Scottish breakfast!


Other Accommodation

You can self-cater in a lot of places by renting a small apartment or cottage for a short period of time. This could be a great money-saving idea, especially if you were travelling with a group. Hell, you can even rent a castle if your budget allows it! (£500+ per night)


More adventurous options are wild camping (which is legal), and glamping, which is like camping, but instead of a tent you stay in a little luxury house/tent thing! (Doesn’t that sound lovely?)


Wherever you decide to stay, book in advance. The more popular places in the Highlands (Skye, Fort William, etc) sell out fast, and last-minute bookings will leave you with very, very limited options.


Every town in Scotland will have one or two chippys. They serve wonderfully cheap, delicious, and horribly unhealthy fast food. You’ve got to try one! We love to ‘batter’ (deep-fry) our food, and you can get that done on just about anything. There’s battered fish, battered sausage, and even battered Mars bars. My favourite is a battered pizza. It’s better than any pizza you’ll get in Italy, New York, Chicago, or anywhere else. I swear!


If you’re proper hungry, head to a chippy and get a ‘Munchy Box’. These are boxes completely stuffed with food. They’ll cost around £10, and can have over 5,000 calories of diabetes-inducing, grease-filled deliciousness.


Pubs are great places for sit-down meals on the cheap. If you’re like me and are a bit of an anxious traveller, look out for ‘Wetherspoon’ pubs. They’re cheap, have decent food, and you can order meals from your phone and have the food brought to your table!


A pub meal should be about £10-15, and a chippy around £5-10. For cheap lunches, every supermarket does a meal deal, which is a sandwich, drink, and snack for about £4.


Our ‘must try’ food would probably be Haggis. It is an acquired taste (and not all that popular in Scotland), but it’s worth ordering some from a chippy one night! For your sweet tooth, be sure to try some Tablet, which is sugar, butter, and milk formed into sweety goodness. Shortbread is also delicious!



Our top drink is Irn-Bru. It’s a soda which tastes like… girders? It’s hard to describe, but it’s fantastic. Scotland is actually the only country, on the planet, where Coca-Cola isn’t the top-selling soda. It’s Irn-Bru!


We’re also well renowned for our alcohol, especially Whisky (also known as Scotch). There are distillieries you can visit all across the country, but primarily in the Highlands and West Coast. 


Mastercard and Visa will be accepted everywhere. American Express is also accepted in most high street shops, but in local businesses and smaller shops it is a 50/50, so I wouldn’t rely on it. Most card readers allow for contactless payments which makes things easy.



ATMs are easy to find and offer free withdrawals, so there’s no need to carry large amounts of cash. Personally, I never use any physical cash, but you might want some to buy onboard tickets for the train or ferry, or for use at the local markets.


Speaking of markets, haggling isn’t really a thing in Scotland. You are expected to pay the written price.


The variations of cash are: 1p/2p/5p/10p/20p/50p coins, £1/£2 coins, and £5/£10/£20/£50/£100 notes.


At the time of writing in June 2022, the exchange rates are: $1 = £0.82 / 1= £0.86


In Scotland, we use Scottish notes, which are legal tender in the rest of the UK, but some places (especially in England) can be iffy about it. If you’re heading to another part of the UK after Scotland, I would suggest maybe exchanging your Scottish notes at a bank for the local equivalent, just to avoid any potential issues.



You can tip, but it isn’t expected in most places. Normally tipping is just in the form of ‘keep the change’. If you want to tip, round up the bill to the nearest £5 or leave 10%. But don’t feel bad if you don’t, tipping is not very common!



Scotland is a fairly expensive country. For cheap hotels, cheap food, and public transport, I would advise a budget of £100 a day. Go down to £50 if you opt for a hostel, or up to £150 for a nicer hotel and a rental car.


We are a wonderfully mild country. In winter the average temperature is around 4c (39f), and in summer that goes ups to 14c (57f). Occasionally we’ll have a cold winters day (-3c / 27f) or a summer heatwave (21c / 70f), but most of the time the temperature is very comfortable.



Rain, rain rain. You can expect up to 200+ days of rain a year in Scotland. Entire months without a sunny day aren’t even that uncommon. I’m not joking! In 2019, where I live in Argyll & Bute, our summer months (June/July/August) had an average of 27 rainy days each. Yes, 27! In summer!


The further East and South you go, the better the weather gets, which is a shame considering the best parts of Scotland are North and West. Thankfully the rain is typically small showers as opposed to large downfalls. You can also expect full cloud coverage most days, and plenty of wind.


To get the best weather, try to visit in spring or summer. May is statistically the month with the best weather, and normally has a good week or two of sunshine. But as I said, don’t be surprised if it rains the entire time you’re here. You should visit with the expectation of being in the rain most of the time, and hope to be pleasantly surprised.


Snow isn’t very common outside of the Highlands, but it typically falls between December and February. The snow in the Highlands causes chaos, but also creates some incredible landscapes.



In winter, Scotland can have as little as 7 hours of daylight, with the sun rising at 8:45am and setting at 3:45pm. In summer, it can be as much as 17.5 hours, with the sun rising at 3:30am and setting at 9pm. Visiting in the summer definitely gives you more time in the day to see the country, in addition to the best weather.


Natural Disasters

Scotland is a super safe and boring country. No need to worry about earthquakes, tornados, large storms, freezes, heatwaves, volcanos, or anything like that. At worst there’s some small flooding and windy days.


Dangerous Animals
No need to worry, Scotland has very safe wildlife! Well, other than the Midges. They’re horrible little insects found all across the country during the summer months. Imagine Mosquitos, but they’re smaller and travel in packs of 100. They’re mostly found in the Highlands and like to hang out in wooded areas. So when you go hiking, make sure to wear insect repellant!


Also, watch out for wild Haggis. Not normally a threat, but if you make eye contact they might attack you.


On Land

Our national animal is the Unicorn, however, spotting one of these in the wild is tough. A good alternative is a Highland Cow, which can be seen all across the Highlands. They’re beautiful animals! Also, Shetland is home to the Shetland Pony, an adorable little miniature-sized horse!


In the air, be on the lookout for some big birds of prey. Falcons, Golden Eagles, and Ospreys can be seen in the Highlands. If those birds are too scary for you, then head to the coast and look for Puffins! You can see them all around the country’s coast, but you’ll have more luck up north.


At Sea

The oceans and rivers around Scotland are filled with great marine life. Seals and Bottlenose Dolphins can be seen all across the country, with the Moray Firth being the best spot for viewing them. Basking Sharks are also common in West Scotland. You can even go diving with them on a day trip from Oban!


Best of all, pods of Orcas can be seen around the country! They’re most common up north near Caithness and Shetland. If that’s not enough, then we’ve also got Minke and Humpback Whales!


And of course, we also have Nessie waiting to be found at Loch Ness! If you can’t find her, head down to Loch Lomond where you might have better luck trying to find the mysterious Wallabys.

Things To Know

Scotland is a pretty left-leaning country. Our governing party is the SNP (Scottish National Party), and our First Minister is Humza Yousaf. About half the country wants independence from the UK, and the other half doesn’t. Discussions on it can get pretty heated, so I would try to avoid it if I were you!



Scotland is an English-speaking country, with virtually everyone in the country being fluent in the language. If you can speak half-decent English, then you can get by anywhere in the country without any difficulties. The Scottish accent is notorious for being difficult to understand, however, this hard-to-follow accent is only really found in Glasgow. In most of the country, you shouldn’t have much difficulty understanding people.


In addition to English, there are a couple of minority languages in Scotland. The most widely spoken is Scots, which is similar to English, but also unique in its own way. Although not spoken by many, Gaelic is another minority language, and in the Highlands, you’ll likely see road signs in both English and Gaelic.



The biggest sport here is football. Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers are the two biggest teams, and the rivalry between them is unlike any other. I would definitely tread carefully when talking about that too. 



In general, Scotland is a super safe country, but we do have a huge drinking culture, and on Friday/Saturday nights the streets can be full of drunks. A lot of these people can become violent, so it might be best to avoid going out alone during those times. Or if you do, just keep your wits about you. 


The tap water in Scotland is very fresh and safe to drink!



Scotland is very gay-friendly, so nothing to worry about there. We’re accepting of all religions and races, but at the same time we’re very white, with about 96% of the population being white Europeans. People from different backgrounds and colours may stand out, especially in the Highlands and rural areas. 


The lack of diversity leads to some close-minded people, but the vast majority of the country is very accepting and friendly. Scotland has a reputation among travellers as a very, very friendly country! 🙂



Most people in Scotland aren’t religious, but if you are, then there are plenty of churches to visit across the country. In most small towns, the church will probably be the largest and most beautiful building!


Healthcare in Scotland is run by the National Health Service (NHS). Emergency care is free, regardless of where you’re from, although you may need to pay for follow-up treatments and other types of care, unless you’re from a select group of countries. Even if you are eligible for free NHS care, you should still have travel insurance!


If you need to see a doctor, phone up a local GP office and ask for an appointment. This is hard to do though, and you might need to resort to a walk-in clinic or go to A&E. Every town will have a chemist or two where you can buy a large range of medicines, but for stronger stuff, you’ll need a GP prescription.


Entry Requirements

Citizens of many countries, such as the EU, USA, Canada, Australia, and more, can visit Scotland for up to 6 months without a VISA. You can check here to see if your country is on the list! Citizens from other countries will likely require a VISA to visit. However you enter, just make sure you have proof of funds and onward travel.  


Power Outlets

Scotland has type G three-pin power sockets. Adapters will be pretty easy to find, and you could get one before leaving the airport.

Bucket List Experiences

Climb Ben Nevis

The tallest mountain in the UK! The climb is more of a long walk. It's 10.5 miles long, and you ascend 1352m. If you stay in Fort William, you can climb it on a day hike.

Hike Stac Pollaidh

This is of the most scenic hikes in Scotland. The trail is is 3 miles long, and can be reached from Ullapool (by either driving or renting a bike to get to the trailhead).

Search for Nessie

Have a shot at finding Scotlands mythical monster at Loch Ness! Direct buses from Inverness go to all the towns along the Loch, taking 10-60 minutes.

Visit Staffa

One of Scotlands best geological wonders! You can visit on a day trip from Oban, which will also take you to the beautiful Isle of Iona. Day Tours from Oban cost about £78.

Visit St Kilda

A remote island with an extraordinary history. Probably one of the coolest places you can visit in Scotland! You can visit on a day tour from Skye, for around £280.

Visit Skye & Elian Donan Castle

Probably the most beautiful part of Scotland! You have to visit Skye. Eilan Donan is located on the route to Skye, so you can stop by on your way there or back.

Visit Inveraray Castle

One of the most beautiful castles in Scotland! You can reach it by bus from Glasgow / Oban. Seeing the grounds is £8.50, and the castle is another £7.50.

Walk the West Highland Way

This 96 mile walking route connects Glasgow to Fort William, and takes you past some of Scotlands most beautiful scenery. It takes around a week to complete.

Explore Skara Brae

A well preserved 5000 year old Neolithic settlement in Orkney! Once you reach Orkney, direct buses depart from Kirkwall and Stromness. Entry is about £10.

Attend Up Helly Aa

A Viking fire festival in Shetland. Does life get any cooler? It happens each January, and while attending is free, you'll want to book your trip a year in advance.

Take the Jacobite Train from Fort William to Mallaig

A short but incredibly scenic steam train ride which crosses over the Glenfinnan Viaduct (Harry Potter Bridge). It takes about 2 hours each way, and a return ticket is £52.

Visit Arran and climb Goatfell

Goatfell is a tough but do-able day hike. The Isle of Arran is easily reachable from Glasgow, and it is best to spend a few days there to see what it has to offer!

Ben Nevis – PXhere

St Kilda – Penny Skett

Skara Brae – Peter Stenzel

Suiliven & Stac Pollaidh –  John Mason

Skye –Frank Winkler

Up Helly Aa – Mike Pennington

Loch Ness – Dave Conner

Inveraray Castle – Image by me! 🙂

Jacobite Train – Ian Taylor

Staffa – Image by me! 🙂

West Highland WayChris Heaton

Arran – Image by me! 🙂

Blog Posts

Thank you so much for reading my Scotland travel guide! If you have any feedback or suggestions for this page, please let me know! And if you found this guide helpful, please consider supporting the site on Ko-fi! 🙂

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19 responses

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your sites.
    Once our current crisis is over I’ll be touring the highlands on my motorbike, interesting you don’t mention the north coast 500. Is it because it’s become a big commercial machine?

    Looking at your other site, if you can, if it exists, could you add figures for “recovered” cases?



    1. Hi,

      My recommendations tend to be a bit me-centered.. as in I tend to talk about stuff that I personally would enjoy doing. As I don’t drive, the NC500 never really crossed my mind, as I can’t do it myself.

      That’s the only reason! And now that you mention it, I will need to add in something about the NC500. It’s probably one of the best road trips you can take, in any country. Definitely, 100%, go for it. Seeing it on a motorbike will be even better! (although just be aware of the weather, it will likely rain for a lot of the trip)

      As for the recovered cases, the government doesn’t give us that information. But I could make a guess, based on the assumption that only new infections confirmed in the last 2 weeks are ‘active’. Then it would be ‘total cases – active cases – deaths = recovered cases’. I don’t want to make it a big number at the top as it isn’t official, but I’ll include it in the at a glance section from now on. 🙂

  2. amazing page,by now it is way more informative than the official sites regarding C19!
    Keep on traveling when you can,you are lucky to call one of the most beautiful and diverse countries your home : ) I’m personally addicted to the wider Cairngorms area,Aberdeenshire and the entire west coast but the Tayside and Angus coast is world class as well.

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

      Yes, I plan on it! I’ve seen very little of this beautiful country. Definitely need to get out more once the lockdown is finally over with!

  3. Thank you for your site. Your Covid 19 page brought me here. The information on C19 is presented in a far more professional manner than what I have seen published on the Scottish government official website. The details you include seem to cover all that I wish to know (including recovery rates) in an easy to understand and readily interactive format. Thank you for putting all the effort into producing the tables and charts.

    I find your Scotland (and other) pages a refreshing change from the bland commercial web sites I normally come across. Thank you for sharing your personal details and experience. Although I was born in Edinburgh and now live in Aberdeenshire, my favourite part of Scotland is the west coast. The hills, lochs and expansive sandy beaches along the way from Achiltibuie to Durness are always well worth a visit.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you find it to be of use. 🙂

      I agree, I think the West Coast is my favourite part of Scotland too! If we could get some more consistent sunshine, I think it would be one of the nicest spots on the planet. Although even right now with the 300 days of rain, I’d still say that it’s up there!

  4. Hey, Tabby,

    Love your page (esp the CV-19 stuff of course).

    But on the topic of Scotland, can I recommend Lossiemouth to you? In fact the whole top coastline of the NE is absolutely gorgeous. Lovely walks, nice quiet beaches, lovely folks.

    Yes, from “down here” in the central belt it’s a bit of a drive (or train journey). But honestly worth it. There’s a different light there. A different feel.

    When this is all over, give it a go. In fact, go now! Grab your mask and off you go.

    If you’re a cat who likes his grub – food in Lossie: Harbour Lights (anything from a three course meal to a roll and sausage!) and also Guidi’s or The Salt Cellar. Most accommodating places I’ve ever eaten – and THIS cat LOVES her food.

    So again, thanks for all your work on the tracker. Best resource period.

    Good luck back at Uni.

    Best wishes,


    1. Hi,

      Thank you! 🙂

      And thanks for the recommendation! I’ve not looked too much into the NE to be honest (more focused on the NW), but it does look lovely! The lack of public transport is a little concern for me (I don’t drive), but it looks like it’s quite close to Elgin, so I assume I can get a bus out from there. And Elgin is quite close to Inverness, where I’m sure I’ll be visiting one day, so maybe I can head out to Lossiemouth as a day trip from there. I’m looking forward to the nice beaches already! 🙂

      Thanks again!


      1. I did the North East by train and bus in Spring 2019- Thurso, Wick (wonderful museum), a day trip to Stromness on Orkney, John o’ Groats, Castle of Mey and Dunrobin Castle. You have to hail the little train like a bus at some of the halts!

        It was a great holiday!

  5. I love your blog, from COVID to more detailed information, plus I’m Chinese living in Beautiful Scotland from Beijing, my home city. Wish you make a new trip to China again when all these shit all over.

    1. Thank you! 🙂

      Yes, definitely! China is the country I want to travel around most in the future. Beijing, Xi’an, and Tibet specifically (plus lots of places in between). As a bonus, there are all those bullet trains to get around, which is the best way to travel!

  6. To hear my home town of Fort William is “nothing special” is very disappointing. Fort William may not be a very large town, but it is one of the bonniest towns in Scotland and attracts many tourists during the summer months under normal conditions (i.e. non COVID times).

    1. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend! Maybe I was just being ignorant, but I meant in the sense that the real beauty and draw of the town is in the landscapes which surround it. That is what makes it one of the best places in Scotland to visit. If you were to take the actual town of Fort William and move it to the South of Glasgow, without any of the mountains/valleys/lochs attached, then it wouldn’t really have the same draw to it. But regardless, it is definitely one of the best places to visit in Scotland, I agree with you there!

      1. Ft William is a town set in the midst of beautiful scenery, and yes, I agree that if you were to move it elsewhere it would not have the same draw in itself alone. It is a small tourist town with some beautiful gift shops, sports shops and general small town shopping – quite typical of small Scottish towns but with a beautiful backdrop which makes it so special.

        On another note, I have been following your COVID website and the statistics and information you provide are quite amazing. Thank you for your outstanding work and contribution re: keeping Scotland so well informed with these statistics.

        The website deserves proper recognition.

  7. Hi TT

    Great wee site – came here from your C19 site which I check every day – thank you for all that hard work and great presentation on that one.

    I wonder if you could add Doric here in the languages section as it is widely spoken in Aberdeenshire and beyond; also Scots as it is a living, spoken language and not retired to the history books as some think. It also forms a ‘hybrid’ with English but it is recognised in its own right as a national language by the Scottish Government.

    Thank you

    1. Hi,

      Thank you, and thanks for the suggestion! 🙂

      I’ve been meaning to update all of these pages, but I’ve not had the time to do so recently. Although when I do get around to it, I’m hoping to add in a separate languages section, and I’ll be sure to include Doric and Scots in there!

  8. If you want to travel scotland local or nearby towns you can go for Scot Taxi. They offer cheap and affordable taxi service and there drivers were very friendly when i travelled with them

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